Tuesday, 1 April 2014

Horse Racing Backing Systems : So You Think You've Got It Sussed Out?

We can all be wise after the event and say I knew that horse was going to win, but the truth is, how many times have your said that when the horse your were going to bet on gets easily beaten? Probably more than once! Don't beat yourself up about missed opportunities or even betting selections with tasty odds that fall at the last or get beaten by a short head. That's horse racing for you and things DO even themselves up in the end.

I recently had a horse with Betfair odds of 38 lead quite comfortably and get beat by a nose on the line. Now that was a sore one to take and the difference between nothing and adding a nice £433 to my betting bank! These are the kind of moments that will test your metal and do you have what's required to stay focused. It does require strong discipline and I keep emphasing this point in any sytem I have. You can have the best system in the world, but if you don't have the discipline required when the losses arrive then, you WILL lose money.

There are many people in the horse racing marketplace that claim to have found the secret sauce to easy money, but believe me that's just BS. I spend about half an hour each day go through Racing Post stats in order to make an informed choice on a particular horse and that's only in specific UK meetings. It's not because I love RP stats or anything like that, but I need something to have confidence in and hang my hat on. Even if my selected horse falls at the first, pulls up or gets beaten by 30 lengths, at least I know that I've done some due diligence prior to making my betting selection and this gives me confidence because I believe in my selection process and the filters I have in place.

I wish there was a quicker way to making a betting selection, but in my opinion and from what I've read, you have to do some form of study covering things like the weather, distance, weight and trainer course form and mark each horse up accordingly or what chance have you got of making a long term profit? Yes, there will be certain people who've picked a random selection and won a few hundred quid with the best, but was that down to skill or luck? Try relying on that in the medium to long term to make a profit and the bank manager would probably be calling you in for a chat.

It's important to either buy a proven system that can withstand drawdowns or even create your own selection process, as you need a consitancy with your betting selections or you'll get yours;ef tied up in knots. In the end discipline it the final and most important ingredient and that goes for any form of betting or trading.           

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