Thursday, 3 April 2014

Horse Racing Backing Systems : Races I Avoid For Betting 

There are many horse racing betting ooportunities throughout the year, so wheteher you like your NH or flat meetings, you'll never be stuck for choice.

I enjoy the lower key meeting which aren't hyped up, as the odds on offer are more natural and tend not to be driven by hype and punter pressure. I would much rather have a bet on for example a class 4 NH meeting at Ludlow over hurdles with seven horses involved than a hyped up class 1 NH meeting at Aintree over fences with forty horses taking part! 

I do enjoy big and hyped up national hunt and flat meetings like the Gold Cup at Cheltenham (my personal favourite), the King George VI at Ascot, the Grand National at Aintree, the Derby at Epsom or the Ebor at York, but only from a spectator point of view and not as a betting medium. I keep my hard earned in my pocket for these type of meeting thank you very much. Now, I'm not saying don't put a bet on these type of races, but make it more of a fun bet than a serious one and a nice £10 win or a £5 e/way bet is ideal.

I think you can sit back and relax more for the big horse racing meetings if you don't have money on the table or at least a serious amount. I confess that, I do have a fun bet on the Grand National which goes against my betting philosophy, but hey, it's just once a year and I still do my analysis on most of the forty horses. My huge bet is normally for £20 and have 5 £2 e/way bets on five horses that tick most of my boxes and offer decent odds. I usually do quite well with this, but I honestly view the Grand National as more of a lottery and it's much to do about luck as there is with skill.

My favourite racing event of the year is at Cheltenham and the penultimate Gold Cup race. I just love the meeting with the layout of the course and it's twist, turns and undulations, the main stand, the famous, the surrounding scenery  and the famous Cheltenham hill near the end. This course empitomises everything that is good about horse racing in my humble opinion.  

Betting is just a numbers game and the problem with big horse racing events is the number of horses in certain races and the hype surrounding the event. Most of the trainers and certainly the top one's have their best horses primed and ready for these big meetings, as the money on the table is quite hard to resist, so that usually means a bigger field and the other factor is hype. Getting value on a decent horse in any big meeting is quite tough because hype drives the prices down and when you look for value, it can be quite hard to find as nearly every man and their do piles on to the favourite few horses in each race and therefore doesn't usually offer much to hang your hat on.

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