Monday, 10 March 2014

Horse Racing Backing Systems : Having a Plan

I don't have all the answers to making money through betting on horses, if I did then, I'd be sitting by my pool in a luxury villa somewhere in Spain instead of a modest terraced house in the north east of England :(

To make a medium to long term profit with any form of betting you NEED to have a plan. Yes, you've probably heard of someone who's one a small fortune betting on a horse and yes, you've seen their betting slip or the online statement as proof, but was it a one off bet and just down to luck? The real proof is whether that you can make a profit over 500, 1000 or 10,000 betting selections and this really does seperate the men from the boys. I've always been in this game for the long run and I don't always make a profit, but overall my bookie and Betfair account is still going north and that's what really counts :)

There is no midas touch to betting just good old fashioned form study coupled with some solid money mangangement and discipline. Why people continually lose money is a real mystery to me, when there's so much free online information at your fingertips. I guess some people want an easy route or are just lazy and want to try a quick fix with an RP tipster, but following the crowd will eventually lead to the poor house and that's why about 80% of online bettors reduce their betting activity or lose their bank after the first year. Ask yourself this, why do these so called experts on these horse racing sites give you their free recommendation? If they where so good then, why wouldn't they be doing it themselves and making a small fortune instead of getting a guaranteed salary from the relevant company.

You can gain the upper hand sometimes, if you're privy to insider information and are a friend of the trainer or jockey or even if you're present at the race course and can make a more informed decision about the look of the horse in the paddock, but normally what most of us have got to base our decision on is the form in front of us and that is usually good enough.

There are no hard or fast rules to making money from horse racing, but having a good plan and executing it correctly on a regular basis is crucial. If you take shortcuts in this game then, the betting markets can be unforgiving and you may lose your shirt!

All the best with your betting and please make a sensible choice about your plans going forward.   

Sunday, 9 March 2014

Horse Racing Backing Systems : Which One Are You On?

Hello my name is Mark Boyle, I'm 44 years old at the time of publishing this piece and I live in the north east of England. I'm a keen fan of horse racing and very much enjoying watching and betting on the sport. 

In early 2010 I decided that, I would create a betting system based on my experiences with betting on horses mainly through Betfair and decided to call it "Racing Winners", as I thought it was a catchy title and so it proved.

I learnt how to design a basic website in 2009, and how to convert word douments in to a PDF, which would prove crucial further down the line when it came to selling a system for immediate download. I started to document my betting experiences and took Betfair screenshots of my earnings. I realised early on that, I'd found a decent methodology for making money through racing and after a few changes and a couple of new and better filters Racing Winners was born and I released it back in May 2010.

I didn't know what to expect or how it would go, but I contacted the main webmasters of the related UK horse racing blogs and they kindly reviewed the product over 60 and 90 day periods. Thankfully it was approved on all three due to the points and profit gained during each review period and the sales I gained from this was quite overwhelming.

There are certain factors that I always insist on in order for any horse racing backing systems to stand the test of time and that is - a sensible methodology, solid money management rules and strict financial discipline. If you don't have the latter then, the first two will become incidental and you'll eventually lose money - FACT!!

I've read about holy grail and five minute systems that are supposedly giving betting punters excellent returns, but to me that is BS. If you don't do enough study in any form of sport prior to betting and factor in a variety of things that may happen then, how can you possibly expect to make a medium to long term profit? These quick fix systems are seriously flawed in my opinion and DON'T work! Do you think I spend at least half an hour on any betting day doing the required analysis for the sake of it or to make myself look windswept and interesting? Certainly Not!

I always like the hare and the tortoise principle and I think it's so apt in horse racing betting. The hare thinks it's invincible and races miles ahead of the tortoise, but starts to lose momentum, leaving the tortoise to eventually catch up and overtake the burnt out hare. Horse racing systems are not to different from that analogy, so the question is, which one are you on?

The two things you won't get with any of my systems is selections on hot favourites or 66/1 outsiders, as the first one presents no long term value and the second option is for dreamers. The kind of bets that I pick up on are decent UK turf races which give decent odds value based on the analysis and selections usually offer odds of between 2/1 - 15/1.

I have two other backing systems in the horse racing betting marketplace. I released Racing Profits in March 2011 to tackle the e/way markets at the bookies and the place market at Betfair. I followed some of the same principles as my initial backing system and gave people the option of spreading their betting options, but still having the same confidence in their selections. This also worked a treat and although the profits were slower, it was still well regarded in the marketplace and received positive reviews. 

This brings us more closer to the present day and I decided to write another system for the win markets called Racing Success and released in September 2013. There are similarities between this product and the Racing Winners system, but the rules are shorter and the filters are improved in my opinion and that can only be good for everyone concerned. For me this is my best work to date and I expect it to become as popular as my previous two pieces of work.